Hi there! I’m Saranya.
I am an IT professional by day currently living in Atlanta with my husband Vijay & daughter Mithra.
My home is very special place to me. We live in ranch model house built in the 90’s surrounded by tall trees.
I have lived several years out of suitcases in hostels & temporary accommodations from my under graduation up until I got married.
Back then, I would long for a sense of familiarity, and crave for a space that I could call home.
So finally when I got to setting up our first home, you all could imagine my excitement!
I started with a few thrifted furniture pieces, 3 plants & 1 gallery wall (felt like such a rebel to do a gallery wall in a rented apartment).
It’s been slowly growing since then. Adding new souvenirs from travels, pinning my daughter’s
drawings, adding more gallery walls of course!
I am an introvert by nature and really don’t talk much but when I started sharing pictures on Instagram, I realized
I enjoyed writing the posts that accompany these pictures. This blog was created as an extension of that, to talk
about things with like minded people that I would otherwise not get an opportunity to talk about.
I hope this blog to be a place to share and learn home decor realted DIYs, plant care & sustainable living.
I am glad you stopped by!